Annie Chang
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Signing with an Agent

Yeah!!  I found myself an Agent!! yeah!! And thats without sending out any mailers out! Lots of stuff going on this week. 

1.) Yesterday spoke with my agent.  yes, my agent!!  We discussed our strategy going forward and looks like the beginning of an interesting relationship!!  Now, I just have to return the contract.  I am still taking my time in finding a theatrical representation...

2.) I've got a movie premier of Harold and Kumar 2.  I'll be interviewing John Cho, Kal Penn, and Neil Patrick Harris tomorrow in Beverly Hills.  ( Part of my hosting/interviewing gig)

3.) My first classwith the casting director of General Hospital was yesterday!!  :-)  it was so informative and I loved it.  I can't wait to do our scenes next week in front of her!  I think there needs to be some more Asians in Daytime drama!!  :-) 

4.) I'm filming all day Saturday for a USC student film somewhere in the Valley so I'm pretty excited about that.  :-) 

5.) Bro flies in From DC tonight until Saturday.. too bad I don't have time to hang out with him.  Sorry Paul...

6.) Got my log-in and books for FIDM school starting mext week!  3 more evening classes added to my crazy schedule...

7.) Still have 3 more TVI classes this week...

8.) 2  auditions this week

and another week goes by....



接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares
Photo 36943
CONGRATS on the Agent!! That is good news!!
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 23833
接近 17 年 ago


How do we know if we're suppose to be doing what we are doing? ...


english, mandarin
May 7, 2007