Official Artist
Alien Ang
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A friend in town over the weekend..

A good friend of mine from Taipei dropped by Singapore over the weekend, so i decided to take some time off to show him around. I was a tour guide for 3 days wahahaha..

Things not to miss: Universal Studios, Casinos, Shopping, JJ's concert, and food!!! I can't believe how much food i ate over the weekend. We ate practically all that's out there, been to so many places in such a short space of time. It's crazy! but fun ! thanks to my wife who was helping us deciding where to go for fun and food, my friends Tony, Jason, Weiyuan, etc. JJ's concert was excellent, great job buddy! Songs were all to familiar as i've heard it for so many years but great songs r still great songs!

i really need to detox and rejuvenate myself to start work again... 沖啊!!

about 14 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares


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