Angelica Cukon
体育, 武术,摔跤或拳击, 体育教练, 摄影师
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Romania 2010

Less 3 days and I'm going to Bucharest, helping the Romanian Youth Wushu Team prepating the European Championship that will take part in Antalya (Turkey) from the 6th to the 13th of March.


还有三天,然后莪又一次再离开意大利。这次莪要到布加勒斯特 去,帮 罗马尼亚少年国家队 准备 在土耳其举行の 第十三届欧洲武术锦标赛

I'm HAPPY that what I did is past wasn't wasted! So..

I wanna do my best as COACH, like I did my best as athlete!

很 开心莪以前の努力没白费!所以。。

当 教练,莪还会尽我最大の努力,和莪以前当过运动员时一样!

Here Florin Ioana's Wushu Hall, the place I'm going to teaching!


Other important things to remember are:

1) THE FIRST SPORT ACCORD COMBAT GAMES, a sort of "Olympic Games of Martial Arts", that is taking place in Beijing from the 28th of August to the 4th of September 2010。

北京首届世界武搏运动会将于 2010年8月28日至9月4日举行,就是一项新式的综合性体育比赛,由世界体育总会创办, 每四年举办一次。




2)A book. "Dentro un mondo nuovo" (Inside a new world), written by Giorgio Pasotti.

A book that I bought few days ago and I've already finished.

An italian book written by an Italian Wushu Athlethe (now a famouse actor in Italy), who is maybe almost forget me, but who I always remember with pleasure, as I remeber with pleasure time in which we trained together.

While I was reading, at the same time I was smiling, laughting and crying, remebering these (already) 15 years of training!

I love this book, and I love it not because Giorgio wrote it, but beacause it is a story: the story of every European or American or wherever country athlete, that, for love of wushu, take NOTHING and with NOTHING went alone in China for training and improve.

Ya.. I love this book cause is a LOVE STORY!

Thank you Giorgio!


PS: Luc, if you will read this... Giorgio also wrote about you in his book hehehe~~

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Photo 51946
Still dunno.... I'd like to be an athlete but if political wushu situation in italy will not change so.. I only will be a coach
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 51946
hehehe ya~ I love that book ~~~~
大约 15 年 ago


有一天他跟我说了:“妳要把所有的心思和力量放在比赛上” “积极主动,以我为主,控制过程,展示技艺,夺取金牌” 那天我感觉是最强的! Empty you mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it will


english, mandarin, itallian
January 3, 2008