所以今年是第一次过 教师节!
10号休息了 然后今天再上课~
有点累... 不过我也很开心!所以.. 幸福就好了!
TEACHER DAY... well... ya, I am a teacher... and for the first time I passed this holiday...
also because in Italy we don't have it hehe
But It sounds good... better ... VERY GOOOOOOD! The 9th in the evening I had dinner with all teachers of the school... I think about 300 ... really amazing.. and drank with them and sang... and turned into a "crazy Angel" again..
Then the 10th we had rest and today went back working...
I'm some tired... but HAPPY!
These are presents that my students gave me for "Teacher Day"
有一天他跟我说了:“妳要把所有的心思和力量放在比赛上” “积极主动,以我为主,控制过程,展示技艺,夺取金牌” 那天我感觉是最强的! Empty you mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it will