Few days ago I spoke with my little brother in QQ.
He was very tired cause the first selection for Chinese**** Championshipis coming soon.
As the matter of fact Maleselection is going to be hold in Taicang City (Jiangsu Prov.) from April 15 to 18
and Femaleone is going to be in Dazhou City (Sichuan Prov.) from April 27 to 30
I hope I could be there, both for watching my little bro’s comeptition and for attending a good friend of mine wedding (April 24 in Chengdu City) but I’m not sure yet cause I’m doing 3 jobs at the same time and in one of them I’m only a simple worker so… is not dependig from me! :’(
I hope everything is gonna be OK, I hope I will be in China soon and I hope my little bro and all my frineds will do a good competition!
前几天我还是跟我弟弟在QQ聊天。当时他很累 因为今年的 全国武术套路锦标赛竞赛规程 快到了。
男子 赛区:2011年 4月15日至18日 在江苏省 太仓 市举行。
女子 赛区:2011年4月 27日至30日 在四川省 达州 市举行。
还不晓得莪会不会去因为最近莪在做3分工作 而且在一分中莪只是一位工人 所以没有这么自由 不过莪还望啥都会好好的解决,望莪很快就会去中国(4月24号莪一个好友也要结婚!),望莪弟弟与莪所有的好友,在比赛中,会拿了很好的成绩!
More info > HERE**** <
有一天他跟我说了:“妳要把所有的心思和力量放在比赛上” “积极主动,以我为主,控制过程,展示技艺,夺取金牌” 那天我感觉是最强的! Empty you mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it will