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Angelica Cukon
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2011 Harbin Russia – China Dual Match

I'm late but anyway,   BETTER LATE THAN NEVER, no??  In JAN, 18th, in Harbin  哈尔滨 took place the "2011  Russia – China Tournament"  2011中俄武术散打对抗赛.Unlickly I had no possibilities to go there cause I got a job as INTERPRETER in an INTERNATIONAL TRADING COMPANY, anyway I watched all videos and even if the turnament result was China 5, Russia ZERO!, personally I think that China bought some fights, especially MUSLIM's one!BTW, I’m gonna put the videos online. Watch by urself and comment  :)Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX5w7M_neC0 70公斤级 纪海桐(中国) vs 伊斯梅尔(俄罗斯)70KG: Ji Haitong VS Ismail AlievVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LO1VGeRg8JI&feature=related75公斤级 冷鑫(中国) vs 别列托夫(俄罗斯)75KG: Leng Xin VS Beletov “GIOVANNINO”Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-RcUwdvwxo&feature=player_profilepage80公斤级 付高峰(中国) vs 阿尔斯兰(俄罗斯)80KG: Fu Gaofeng VS IsmailVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmRcxQERvhQ85公斤级 付佳纯(中国) vs 穆斯里穆(俄罗斯)85KG: Fu Jiachun VS муслим салихов “THE RUSSIAN KILLER”Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRGyj2J1va890公斤级 黄磊(中国) vs 鲁斯兰(俄罗斯)90KG: Huang Lei VS The new 90kg

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


有一天他跟我说了:“妳要把所有的心思和力量放在比赛上” “积极主动,以我为主,控制过程,展示技艺,夺取金牌” 那天我感觉是最强的! Empty you mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. Now you put water into a cup, it will

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