Ah, at least now getting around is a bit easier. Roaring into Hong Kong/Guangzhou/Shanghai.
Check into Wanchai at the ......
Life is good.
Property prices go up!
Foreign governments are happy!
And just when you think you are living in the Garden of Eden.
All hell breaks loose.
First it's the triads.....
And just when you think the neighborhood is going to hell....................
you get tour groups!
Bloody guys can't drive worth beans.
On top of that all the noise pollution from the bloody tour guide with his PA system!
and they drive up property prices and build there own exclusive estates.
Bring in their own products.
Hang out and smoke.
And cause great lines to form up.
and of course they leave all their crap laying around.
ah, it's time to move on.
Those were the days.