Happy New Year all.
Seems it won't be long until another holiday rolls up as we end 2011 and the year of the Rabbit I can't help but look back for the moment.
It was supposed to be a year of great wealth for me. Some how that wealth didn't manifest itself in my bank account...at first I was a bit embittered on reflection...but on the otherhand....I found many things that you can't put in the bank that last throughout life, that I can never lose-even if I give it away. New experiences, new friendships, growth in relationships and working partnerships, and of course catching up with family.
Next year?
For me a slight downgrade from great but who cares. I have this last year to build on and lots more is coming!
Those born in the year of the Dog may not have it so good.
So off they should go to gear up for the Dragon!