A wonderful Opening scene from my latest project "春去春又回". The Photos below were taken by a dear friend[万弘杰](/wanhongjie)( wanhongjie) , a good actor and talented photographer. Check out his blog in our Alivenotdead site and welcome him!!!
Here is the link to his page. www.alivenotdead.com/wanhongjie
***[萬弘傑**](/wanhongjie)***** 拍攝,他是好演員,也是有才華的攝影師。到他在我們Alivenotdead的空間看看,歡迎他的加入!!!
他的空間鏈接: www.alivenotdead.com/wanhongjie
| 这是我新拍电视剧《春去春又回》中很棒的开篇。照片由好朋友
*[万弘杰**](/wanhongjie)*** 拍摄,他是好演员,也是有才华的摄影师。到他在我们Alivenotdead的空间看看,欢迎他的加入!!! [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]
だよ。以下の写真は親愛なる友であり、良い俳優かつ有能なフォトグ ラファーでもある 萬弘傑(wanhongjie)が撮ったものなんだ。僕らのAlivenotdeadサイトの彼のブログをチェックして、彼を歓迎してあげてね!!!
これが彼のページだよ - www.alivenotdead.com/wanhongjie
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.