Hello all
Sorry for not blogging for awhile. I am packing and moving the whole week long. I hated... but it is a good chance and excuse for me to throw out some old cloth and junk.
Will update ASAP
抱歉,有段時間沒寫 Blog了。我正在打包行李,這整周都要搬家。討厭這樣…但剛好找到機會及借口扔掉一些舊衣物和用品。
抱歉,有段时间没写 Blog了。我正在打包行李,这整周都要搬家。讨厌这样 …但刚好找到机会及借口扔掉一些旧衣物和用品。
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.