hello people
Sorry for not blogging for so long, Just nothing interesting happening in my life to tell at this moment. But I do come in almost everyday though. Well, I am back In the US too, got in 2 days ago. I am here to visit my family. It has been almost 2 years since I was back In LA. It is nice to see the families again, and especially the Sunshine in California, where we don't get it too often in Hong Kong. It is hot but dry, just the way I like it.
I will be here till the 15th of June and leaving for taiwan with the boys to attend a press-con for Cruiser. If the schedule hasn't change, we will be in shanghai right after that. And there a movie lining up soon too. Okay, I going to go enjoy my vacation too.
take care you all.
抱歉這麼久沒出現在部落格, 只因這陣子在我的生活裏實在乏善足陳。
好, 兩天前,我也回美國了。我己經有差不多兩年沒回洛杉磯來看我家人了。能見到家人,感覺真的好。特別是加州陽光,實在是我們在香港難得一見的。雖然很熱,可是很乾燥,我喜歡這樣!
我會在這兒呆到6月15 日,然後到臺灣跟其他成員一起出席一個記者招待會。如果日程表不變, 我們之後將會去上海。而且電影也很快就會上映了。
I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.