Official Artist
Andrew Lin
Actor , 3D / CAD Modeller or Animator , Painter
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Article in Asian Week|《亞洲人周報》的文章|《亚洲人周报》的文章|Asian Weekの記事

Heavenly Jokester Big on The Joker

Heavenly Kings actor, Andrew Lin , is feeling the box office tug from the recent Batman-mania and has posted his own drawing of the Joker (Heath Ledger) online at Daniel Wu’s social networking site, AliveNotDead.com. Lin posted his drawing on Monday, July 21, directly onto his personal blog.

Here is the link

http://www.asianweek.com/2008/07/22/asian-celebrity-gossip-blam-to-rock-seattle/ | “四大天王”成員為小醜作畫

《四大天王》主演 連凱,從最近票房大熱的”蝙蝠俠”-小醜得到靈感,在吳彥祖****的社區網站AliveNotDead.com上發表了他畫的小醜(希斯•萊傑)。連凱7月21日(周一)在他的個人博客中發表了自己的畫作。




《四大天王》主演 连凯,从最近票房大热的”蝙蝠侠”-小丑得到灵感,在**** 吴彦祖****的社区网站AliveNotDead.com上发表了他画的小丑(希斯•莱杰)。连凯7月21日(周一)在他的个人博客中发表了自己的画作。


http://www.asianweek.com/2008/07/22/asian-celebrity-gossip-blam-to-rock-seattle/ | 「四大天王」の“ジョーカー”はジョーカー好き****

「四大天王」の俳優・アンドリュー・リンが最近の「 バットマン」人気を受け、ダニエル・ウーのSNSサイト AliveNotDead.comで、自らの描いたジョーカー(ヒース・レジャー)の絵を公開。彼は7月21日の月曜に、個人ブログにその絵を掲載しました。


http://www.asianweek.com/2008/ 07/22/asian-celebrity-gossip- blam-to-rock-seattle/

over 16 years ago 0 likes  21 comments  0 shares
Photo 23833
that is AWESOME.
over 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
so random, of all the blogs to link to... :-P
over 16 years ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
over 16 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Just let's you know--they're watching. Lucky you, it wasn't something that could be twisted around or misconstrued to sound scandalous. It must suck sometimes to be a star in Asia--if you fart--it's in the news the next day!
over 16 years ago


I have been working on a few films lately, 《烈日灼人》, 《房车奇遇》. I am still acting and running my Make-up Effects shop and training school.

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March 23, 2007