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Your Own Professional Pictures

There used to be a time when if you wanted to have some professional-looking pictures done, you'd absolutely have to get a professional photographer.  But with the technological advances in digital cameras, the bridge is definitely narrowing.  In fact, I think you can pretty much get away with taking your own pictures for professional use.  All you need to do is invest in a decent digital camera coupled with some warm, natural light, and you're ready to fire away!

Personally, I have never been a big fan of all the digital touch-ups everyone uses with Adobe Photoshop or whatever other post application so I've been using this amazing Samsung WB500 camera which essentially "cleans up" your face for you in Portrait Mode...without needing to do anything in "post" (or after you've taken the shot).

All of these shots were taken with simply the Samsung WB500 and natural sunlight.

Of course, if you're a little more "conservative" and prefer to put your mug in the hands of a professional, then there's nothing wrong with that too!  In fact, I am going to have my  photographer friend David Tan come over in a few minutes to take some pictures of Li Lin and me (cuz I don't think having "little people" handling the shutter is too "professional!") 

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
oh cool, you should take two pics w/ the Samsung (with and without the clean up) so we can see side by side how it compares (ok, maybe take a pic of someone else). does it work better than vaseline on the lens? :-P
大约 15 年 ago


Come see my website at: www.wulander.com Wow! I think I'm finally catchin on to this Internet


November 7, 2007