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Allan Wu
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Getting Married on Singapore's National Day

This past weekend was pretty eventful.  Before I jumped on a plane back to Los Angeles, I did a quick photoshoot with my good friend David Tan on Singapore's National Day, August 9.  When David arrived that morning, he said he'd be bringing along some Canadian male model, who actually turned out to be my long-lost modeling buddy David Elliot...

Once that shoot was all wrapped, we all caught up over some lunch at PIcotin in Turf City and then prepared to head over for Chinese American actor and AnD artist Christian Lee and Teenie's wedding...

Now, here's a guy who really puts in 110% in everything he does, and Christian didn't disappoint here.  I mean...just look at this closeup of his mug which really captures the overflowing enthusiasm to finally get hitched! Of course, a lot of good friends and colleagues showed up for the special event including Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy T...

Tan Kheng Hua and Li Lin...

...and here's Holman Chin and me with the groom before he waltzes down the aisle one last time as a single dude!

The entire affair was a lot of fun.  We had Jason Chan MC-ing the event while Yu Beng even sang a tribute with his harmonica in hand.  Great job!

The highlight of the evening was definitely the traditional Lion Dance...

...performed by the bride and groom themselves!

Great job, Teenie and Christian!  You two rocked that dance!!

Congratulations once again and All the Best to you both as you begin your journey as One!  And speaking of journey...I'm off to the States so see y'all on the other side! 

about 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 22991
cool pics. And Li lin's looking glowing as usual. Btw, wat yoga poses are safe for preggies? Can consult her? ;p
about 15 years ago


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