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We want YOU! - Interns wanted|找的就是你! - 招募實習生| 找的就是你! - 招募实习生

Spring time in Hong Kong!

alivenotdead.com is looking for more interns!  We are looking for one or two motivated people who are interested in gaining useful work experience in an exciting internet start-up environment.  Interns must:

1) Located in Hong Kong

2) Speak English and or Cantonese and or Mandarin

3) Organized, punctual and dependable

4) Have your own laptop computer and know how to use it!

5) Must be willing to commit to 6 hours per week for 3 months.6) Experience in PR/Event Planning preferred The position will be unpaid but you can gain useful work experience, you can also get free Alivenotdead gear, and free access to alivenotdead.com events.

Please send your resume to events@ alivenotdead.com for more details! 


alivenotdead.com招募更多實習生! 我們招募願意在剛起步的網絡公司得到有用工作經歷的1到2名工作人員。要求如下:

              1) 居住在香港

              2) 說英文或廣東話或普通話

              3) 有條理、守時、可靠

              4) 有自己的筆記本電腦並知道如何使用!

              5) 願意 在今後三個月時間內每周工作6小時               6) 有公共關系/組織活動方面的經驗者優先考慮

該職位沒有薪酬,但你能獲得有用的工作經歷,得到免費的Alivenotdead物品及免費參加 alivenotdead.com各類活動。


             1) 居住在香港

             2) 说英文或广东话或普通话

             3) 有条理、守时、可靠

             4) 有自己的笔记本电脑并知道如何使用!

             5) 愿意 在今后三个月时间内每周工作6小时              6) 有公共关系/组织活动方面的经验者优先考虑

该职位没有薪酬,但你能获得有用的工作经历,得到免费的Alivenotdead物品及免费参加 alivenotdead.com各类活动。


| Spring time in Hong Kong!

alivenotdead.com is looking for more interns!  We are looking for one or two motivated people who are interested in gaining useful work experience in an exciting internet start-up environment.  Interns must:

1) Located in Hong Kong

2) Speak English and or Cantonese and or Mandarin

3) Organized, punctual and dependable

4) Have your own laptop computer and know how to use it!

5) Must be willing to commit to 6 hours per week for 3 months.6) Experience in PR/Event Planning preferred The position will be unpaid but you can gain useful work experience, you can also get free Alivenotdead gear, and free access to alivenotdead.com events.

Please send your resume to events@ alivenotdead.com for more details! 

about 15 years ago 0 likes  55 comments  0 shares
haha cool pic
over 15 years ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
oooooh. tempting.
over 15 years ago
Photo 50728
Gimme a HKID and I'm in! Haha.. ;)
about 15 years ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
I'm all yours yo. I'm free for hire. I'll even work from home. Hahahah.
about 15 years ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
November 13, 2006
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