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Taiwan's YAM Project in Hong Kong!

We'd like to get the word out about an up coming performance at BACKSTAGE in Hong Kong on July 26th.  It's by AnD artist Ying-Ying Shih and fellow Taiwan musicians Chia-Lun Yue and Mountain Cheng.  AnD is proud to be a media sponsor for this event! 

Check out the flier and event info below:

The YAM Project is coming to HK again!! 在結束了精彩又精實的日本巡迴後,YAM又將帶著他們的音樂再次造訪香港,這次也會為香港的朋友準備新的音樂驚喜,也介紹我們的原創音樂。期待與你們的再次相聚!

The YAM Project is a pop-jazz group that features Golden Melody Award nominated vocalist Ying-ying Shih, composer and multi-instrumentalist A-len Yue and guitarist Mountain Cheng who's well-versed in the genres of blues, jazz and rock. Their music exhibits an eclectic flavor, a light-hearted humor and a sincere passion that have enamored audiences of all ages around Taiwan. After a successfu l Japan mini in June 2013, the YAM Project visits Hong Kong once again with their original music and creative covers and seeks to share with you their travel stories and heart felt melodies!

Vocal: Ying-ying Shih Golden Melody Award nominated Taiwanese jazz, pop and gospel singer/songwriter. Ying-ying is currently touring as backing vocalist for pop singer Leehom Wang and holds her own mini concerts at live music venues around Taiwan as well as overseas (Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia and Japan).

KB/Vocal/Melodica: A-len Yue (Chia-Lun Yue) A-len studied "Music Production & Engineering" at Berklee College of Music, and has worked on a wide variety of musical projects in the U.S. & Taiwan. A jazz lover, A-len's music is heavily influenced by jazz & soul, and he tries to make jazz more "friendly" to the listeners by blending it with other musical elements such as rock, pop etc.

Guitar/Vocal: Mountain Cheng Rocker turned blues and jazz guitarist. A musicology researcher, gourmet cook, closet comedian, and lover of mountain climbing. Search for us on Facebook: 史茵茵 Ying-ying Shih Chia-lun Yue Ich bin Mountain

The YAM Project是一個融合爵士、藍調、搖滾等曲風、以豐富的創作與改編作品為主的台灣樂團。 2011年六月,史茵茵(Ying-ying)、余佳倫(A-len 阿涼)以及程明(Mountain)這三位音樂好朋友組成了The YAM Project,展開一場充滿歡樂與創意的音樂冒險。在各自的音樂領域各有一片天的三人,在組團之後驚喜發現,彼此之間藏著一種一加二大於三的神奇魔力。 熱愛音樂、也想和聽眾一起同樂的三人,將一首首的中外文經典好歌及團員自己的創作曲,加上了爵士、藍調、搖滾、放克等等音樂元素。成團至今短短兩年的時間,已在台灣的台北、台中、高雄、台南、台東,以及日本東京、京都、大阪、橫濱等地舉辦了數十場演出,場場均得到聽眾熱烈的迴響。 從數十人的小咖啡店到超過600人的大型演出場地,從幼稚園到教會到醫院,The YAM Project清新樂活卻又不落俗套的風格,讓五歲到九十五歲的聽眾都樂在音樂中。而YAM也總是用他們一貫的熱忱與活力,帶著音樂到處去旅行。2012年夏天於日本東京的演出,開啟了他們海外巡演的扉頁。同年11月他們更邁向香港,用音樂開展更多友誼。 2013年,YAM再次踏上夢想的旅程,載著滿滿的音樂能量,在六月時風靡了日本各地的樂迷,七月則將再次來到香港,期待與香港的朋友們一同分享我們的音樂故事!

主唱:史茵茵 傳藝類金曲獎最佳演唱獎提名女歌手。2009至今發行三張專輯,以誠摯歌聲感動許多喜愛音樂的朋友們。目前也是王力宏巡迴演唱會和聲之一。

主唱/鍵盤/吉他:余佳倫 Berklee College of Music畢業音樂才子。鋼琴、吉他、口風琴、歌唱、作曲編曲樣樣來,充滿特色的無厘頭笑聲也是演出重點! 電吉他/木吉他/和聲:程明

午後之樹爵士跨界樂團吉他手。可以爵士、可以搖滾又十足藍調的冷面笑匠吉他手,用各種吉他表情為YAM的歌曲增添多樣面貌! 臉書搜尋: 史茵茵 Ying-ying Shih 阿涼 余佳倫Chia-lun Yue Ich bin Mountain For all the latest details, please check out the Facebook invite here:


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Hong Kong
November 13, 2006