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Here’s a way to help support [alive not dead]: If you’re already a member of Facebook, Friendster, Myspace, or Xanga, you can join one of the [alive not dead] groups that we’ve created on those social networks. By joining the group, you’re letting your friends know about [alive not dead].


Support [alive not dead] by joining the [alive not dead] group on the networks below (click logo to view)

  Join the "I [HEART] Alivenotdead.com“ group on Facebook! Join the "I [HEART] Alivenotdead.com“ group on Friendster!

Join the "I [HEART] Alivenotdead.com“ group on Myspace!

Join the "I [HEART] Alivenotdead.com“ blogring on Xanga!There’s more ways of helping support the cause:

*Write a blog entry or bulletin and let your friends know about [alive not dead], the artists’ online community, and link back to your own own profile. *Help promote the filmmakers, musicians, and other artists on [alive not dead] by letting your friends know about them – add links to the artists in your profiles. *Do you really like the videos that were recently put out for Hardpack, Qiu Hong, 24 Herbs, and Audiotraffic? Embed a Youtube video into your Facebook, Friendster, etc... and add a link back to the band’s profile here on [alive not dead].  

We’re going to be developing lots of other ways for you to help us out by promoting [alive not dead] and the artists on the site in the coming weeks, but here are some the quick ways to help right now.

As always, thanks for your continuing help and support!

----Admin Bear sends you "champagne wishes and caviar dreams..." ______________________________________|如果你已經是Facebook, Friendster, Myspace或Xanga的會員,這裡有個辦法支持[alive not dead]:你可以加入[alive not dead]在這些交友網站上建立的小組。加入小組,你就能讓更多朋友了解[alive not dead]。


點擊以下鏈接(點擊LOGO查看)加入[alive not dead]網絡小組,支持[alive not dead]!

  加入Facebook“我[Heart]Alivenotdead.com“小組! 加入Friendster“我[Heart]Alivenotdead.com“小組!


加入Xanga“我[Heart]Alivenotdead.com“ blogring小組!你還可以通過以下更多方法支持我們:

*寫Blog或發帖向你的朋友們推薦[alive not dead]在線藝員社區,加上你自己的空間鏈接地址 *向你的朋友們推薦[alive not dead]社區裏的電影人、音樂人和藝術家--在你的空間添加這些藝員的鏈接 *你真的喜歡我們最新發佈的 Hardpack, Qiu Hong, 24 Herbs, 和 Audiotraffic的MV?在你的Facebook, Friendster等空間插入他們的Youtube Video短片吧,並附上這些樂隊在[alive not dead]的空間鏈接 

接下來的幾周,我們還會想更多辦法請你幫忙推廣[alive not dead],以及我們的社區藝員們,現在給大家的是最快可以幫助的方法。




如果你已经是Facebook, Friendster, Myspace或Xanga的会员,这里有个办法支持[alive not dead]:你可以加入[alive not dead]在这些交友网站上建立的小组。加入小组,你就能让更多朋友了解[alive not dead]。


点击以下链接(点击LOGO查看)加入[alive not dead]网络小组,支持[alive not dead]!




加入Xanga”我[Heart]Alivenotdead.com” blogring小组!

你还可以通过以下更多方法支持我们:*写Blog或发帖向你的朋友们推荐[alive not dead]在线艺员社区,加上你自己的空间链接地址 *向你的朋友们推荐[alive not dead]社区里的电影人、音乐人和艺术家--在你的空间添加这些艺员的链接 *你真的喜欢我们最新发布的 Hardpack, Qiu Hong, 24 Herbs, 和 Audiotraffic的MV?在你的Facebook, Friendster等空间插入他们的Youtube Video短片吧,并附上这些乐队在[alive not dead]的空间链接 接下来的几周,我们还会想更多办法请你帮忙推广[alive not dead],以及我们的社区艺员们,现在给大家的是最快可以帮助的方法。感谢你一如既往的支持和帮助!


接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares
Photo 22991
i mentioned about this site in my Multiply website.
接近 17 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006