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Save the Date(s)!|預留時間,參加慶祝!|预留时间,参加庆祝!

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!  Technically the 2nd anniversary of alivenotdead.com was this week!  But as we are so busy working on the site and building the community,  we haven't had a chance to stop and catch our breath and do a little celebrating.

But  fret not! The alivenotdead.com 2nd Anniversary Party is in the works!  Last year's first anniversary party was so much fun,  you know we couldn't resist doing another one!

This year's party has been SET for Saturday May 9th in Hong Kong.  If you're planning on coming to Hong Kong in May, definitely try to make it that weekend if possible!   Details are still being finalized,  but it will be a rockin' good time no matter what,  don't worry! 

Be sure to RSVP here in our Save the Date event listing so we can update you when more details and the performers are confirmed!

Here's a photo from last year to get you in the mood:

If you can't wait until May,  we have another alivenotdead event to check out - DJ Tungtung and DJ Lorrie will be cohosting an after party next Friday April 24th at CLIQ to mark the start of the Basketball Playoffs.  Be sure to check out the Hip-Hop B-ball party!  

Event details and RSVP here. |

感謝大家送給我的生日祝福! 其實 alivenotdead.com 的兩周歲生日應該是這一周! 但我們都為網站事務超級忙碌,都沒機會停下來喘口氣,作個小小的慶祝。

但是別擔心! alivenotdead.com 兩周年 Party 正在籌備中! 去年的一周年 party 相當好玩,你知道我們會繼續辦下一場!

今年的周年 party 定於5月9日(星期六)在香港舉行。如果你正計劃5月遊香港,請盡量安排在那個周末! 活動詳情還在洽談中,但無論如何,絕對會是一場超級棒的 party,所以不用擔心!


附上 去年周年慶的一張照片,讓你先進入狀態:

如果你等不到5月就想來,我們還有另一場 alivenotdead 活動 - DJ TungtungDJ Lorrie 將於 周五(4月24日)在 CLIQ 聯合舉辦一場籃球季後賽慶祝活動的 after party。請參加這場 Hip-Hop B-ball party!

活動詳情,請回復是否參與 |
感谢大家送给我的生日祝福! 其实 alivenotdead.com 的两周岁生日应该是这一周! 但我们都为网站事务超级忙碌,都没机会停下来喘口气,作个小小的庆祝。

但是别担心! alivenotdead.com 两周年 Party 正在筹备中! 去年的一周年 party  相当好玩,你知道我们会继续办下一场!

今年的周年 party
定于5月9日(星期六)在香港举行。如果你正计划5月游香港,请尽量安排在那个周末! 活动详情还在洽谈中,但无论如何,绝对会是一场超级棒的 party,所以不用担心!


附上 去年周年庆的一张照片,让你先进入状态:

如果你等不到5月就想来,我们还有另一场 alivenotdead 活动 - DJ TungtungDJ Lorrie 将于 周五(4月24日)在 CLIQ 联合举办一场篮球季后赛庆祝活动的 after party。请参加这场 Hip-Hop B-ball party!

活动详情,请回复是否参与 |

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes!  Technically the 2nd anniversary of alivenotdead.com was this week!  But as we are so busy working on the site and building the community,  we haven't had a chance to stop and catch our breath and do a little celebrating.

But  fret not! The alivenotdead.com 2nd Anniversary Party is in the works!  Last year's first anniversary party was so much fun,  you know we couldn't resist doing another one!

This year's party has been SET for Saturday May 9th in Hong Kong.  If you're planning on coming to Hong Kong in May, definitely try to make it that weekend if possible!   Details are still being finalized,  but it will be a rockin' good time no matter what,  don't worry! 

Be sure to RSVP here in our Save the Date event listing so we can update you when more details and the performers are confirmed!

Here's a photo from last year to get you in the mood:

If you can't wait until May,  we have another alivenotdead event to check out - DJ Tungtung and DJ Lorrie will be cohosting an after party next Friday April 24th at CLIQ to mark the start of the Basketball Playoffs.  Be sure to check out the Hip-Hop B-ball party!  

Event details and RSVP here.

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
Photo 49112
i just got the confirmation of my flight ticket for this week end!! For sur, i'm in! ^^
大约 15 年 ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客


Hong Kong
November 13, 2006