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Lending a Helping Hand|伸出援手|伸出援手

We have tried our best to help out with various charity causes whether it be for the Sichuan Earthquake in May 2008,  the Taiwan flooding in August 2009 or environmental groups like Reef Check.  Also a number of artists on the site are very active in Charity work,  for example Daniel Wu and Karen Mok both do work with Habitat for Humanity, Paul Wong is very active with Médecins Sans Frontières, and of course there's Jet Li's One Foundation.   Recently the devastating Typhoon Ketsana hit the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia and there was a powerful earthquake in Indonesia and a Tsunami in Samoa.  We encourage everyone to help the recovery efforts if possible. Here are some potential charities you can donate through:http://www.oxfam.org/en/getinvolved/donatehttp://www.onefoundation.cn/html/en/beneficence_01.htmhttp://donate.ifrc.org/?navid=02_02http://www.msf.org/msfinternational/donations/http://www.habitat.org/support/Thanks in advance!  |我們一直致力推廣各項慈善活動,不論是2008年5月的四川大地震, 還是2009年為台灣水災的88關愛行動,或是其他團體如環保團體Reef Check的各項籌款活動。同時,我們亦有很多藝人均不為餘力的為不同的慈善團體而努力,當中例如藝人吳彥袓與莫文蔚所屬的仁人家園;黃貫中所幫助的無國界醫生;當然亦包括 李連杰的壹基金。

近日,有颱風凱莎娜為菲律賓, 越南及柬埔寨風災;又有於印尼發生的地震以及薩摩亞發生的海嘨


http://www.oxfam.org/en/getinvolved/donatehttp://www.onefoundation.cn/html/en/beneficence_01.htmhttp://donate.ifrc.org/?navid=02_02http://www.msf.org/msfinternational/donations/http://www.habitat.org/support/讓我們為災民多謝各位的慷慨解囊! |我们一直致力推广各项慈善活动,不论是2008年5月的四川大地震, 还是2009年为台湾水灾的88关爱行动,或是其他团体如环保团体Reef Check的各项筹款活动。同时,我们亦有很多艺人均不为馀力的为不同的慈善团体而努力,当中例如艺人吴彦袓与莫文蔚所属的仁人家园;黄贯中所帮助的无国界医生;当然亦包括 李连杰的壹基金。









|We have tried our best to help out with various charity causes whether it be for the Sichuan Earthquake in May 2008,  the Taiwan flooding in August 2009 or environmental groups like Reef Check.  Also a number of artists on the site are very active in Charity work,  for example Daniel Wu and Karen Mok both do work with Habitat for Humanity, Paul Wong is very active with Médecins Sans Frontières, and of course there's Jet Li's One Foundation.   Recently the devastating Typhoon Ketsana hit the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia and there was a powerful earthquake in Indonesia and a Tsunami in Samoa.  We encourage everyone to help the recovery efforts if possible. Here are some potential charities you can donate through:http://www.oxfam.org/en/getinvolved/donatehttp://www.onefoundation.cn/html/en/beneficence_01.htmhttp://donate.ifrc.org/?navid=02_02http://www.msf.org/msfinternational/donations/http://www.habitat.org/support/Thanks in advance! 

over 14 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Yungyungyu 9f image
... so sad
over 14 years ago


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