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Launch of the new happy, fun News Section | 開心、有趣的”藝術家新聞”上線啦 | 开心、有趣的”艺术家新闻”上线啦


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I want to introduce everyone to Alive Not Dead's new News Section.

Now that you've been surfing Alive Not Dead for some time now, you know that Jet Li has been has been busy launching his new "Come Together" Buddhist foundation, Daniel Wu has been going back-to-school in New York, and Kevin Li from band Hardpack has been two-timing as a pedicab driver in the backstreets of Chengdu.

All of this has been part of their blogs.

However, in our new News Section, we hope to deliver to your Alive Not Dead doorstep the latest news about artists on Alive Not Dead and other items which we think you'll find interesting. You can find the new News section on the homepage.

To start out with, news will be related to our artists as well as other Asian and Asian-American-related media news. The news articles will primarily be project or work-related (as opposed to the artist blogs and profiles which give you better insight into artists' personal lives and priorities) and we hope to bring you the latest news as reported by both English and Chinese-language sources. Thanks to Etchy and Siubutdim, our two editors who will be working on this new project. You can also message them if you have something of interest (please include a link to the source).

Be sure to check it out and let us know what articles you like and don't like... it'll help us figure out what kind of news you want us to report.

Like an article? Let us know by rating it in the comments area...


"Your Friendly Neighborhood Reporter", Admin Bear

我要向大家介紹Alive Not Dead新鮮出爐的” 藝術家新聞”。

你已經在Alive Not Dead上玩了一段時間了,知道了李連傑正忙 於發佈新的”有緣人”佛學網站,吳彥祖已經 回紐約上學,Hardpack樂隊的Kevin Li在成都的 小巷假裝三輪車夫


在新的” 藝術家新聞”裏,我們要發佈Alive Not Dead藝術家們最近的新聞和其他你可能覺得有趣的事情。你會發現”藝術家新聞”就在首頁。

我們將發佈與我們的藝術家、其他亞洲以及亞裔美國藝術家相關的媒體新聞。發佈的文章主要是跟工作相關的(與藝術家Blog不同的報道,將讓你更深入地了解藝術家的個人生活和喜愛)。我們用中、英兩種語言帶給你最新新聞。感謝 EtchySiubutdim,這兩位編輯將主持這個新的版塊。你也可以把感興趣的新聞發消息給他們(請附上新聞鏈接)。



-- “你的好鄰居播報員”--小編熊仔

我要向大家介绍Alive Not Dead新鲜出炉的” 艺术家新闻”。

你已经在Alive Not Dead上玩了一段时间了,知道了李连杰正忙 于发布新的”有缘人”佛学网站,吴彦祖已经 回纽约上学,Hardpack乐队的Kevin Li在成都的 小巷假装三轮车夫


在新的” 艺术家新闻”里,我们要发布Alive Not Dead艺术家们最近的新闻和其他你可能觉得有趣的事情。你会发现”艺术家新闻”就在首页。

我们将发布与我们的艺术家、其他亚洲以及亚裔美国艺术家相关的媒体新闻。发布的文章主要是跟工作相关的(与艺术家Blog不同的报道,将让你更深入地了解艺术家的个人生活和喜爱)。我们用中、英两种语言带给你最新新闻。感谢 EtchySiubutdim,这两位编辑将主持这个新的版块。你也可以把感兴趣的新闻发消息给他们(请附上新闻链接)。



-- “你的好邻居播报员”--小编熊仔

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
the news machine is a monster that must be fed daily!
almost 17 years ago


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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