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Interns Needed! + April Fool's Day | 招募實習生! + 4月愚人節 | 招募实习生! + 4月愚人节

Two important announcements:

1)  We posted up one in January and got very good responses,  but its already April and we need more help!  Please respond if you're interested:

Internship Opportunity Announcement

alivenotdead.com is looking for more interns!  We are looking for one or two motivated people who are interested in gaining useful work experience in an exciting internet start-up environment.  Interns must:

1) Located in Hong Kong

2) Speak and write English

3) Speak Cantonese / read and write Chinese.

4) Organized, punctual and dependable

5) Have your own laptop computer and know how to use it!

6) Willing to commit to 4-6 hours per week for 2 months. The position will be unpaid but you can gain useful work experience, you can also get free Alivenotdead gear, and free access to alivenotdead.com events. If you are interested,  please send a private message to Admin Bear. Thanks!

2) Today is April 1st.  You may have noticed a lot of very interesting blogs being posted today by artists and other users...

In case you're not familiar with the significance of this date, please refer to Wikipedia's information about what is known as "April Fool's Day": April Fools' Day or All Fools' Day, though not a holiday in its own right, is a notable day celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is marked by the commission of hoaxes and other practical jokes of varying sophistication on friends, enemies and neighbors, or sending them on fools' errands, the aim of which is to embarrass the gullible. If you play a trick on someone after this time you are the .http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AprilFool'sDay Thanks Everyone! 

ps - this blog entry is notan April Fool's Joke!

1) 1月份我們發布了招募實習生的公告,得到了大家很好的回應。現在是4月了,我們需要更多幫助!如果你感興趣請回復:


alivenotdead.com 正在招募實習生!我們在找1名或2名熱心人士,願意在一家剛開始運作、充滿激情的網絡公司學到有用的工作經驗。實習生要具備:    1)在香港居住    2)說、寫英文    3)能說廣東話,讀、寫中文。    4)能幹、守時、可靠    5)擁有自己的筆記本電腦,並知道如何使用!    6)願意工作2個月,每周工作4-6小時

作為實習生,這個職位沒有工資。但能獲得有用的工作經驗、免費Alivenotdead物品,並可免費參加alivenotdead.com 活動。

如果你感興趣,請給小編熊仔 發私人信息。謝謝!

2)今天是4月1日,你可能已經看到藝術家和其他會員發布了 許多非常有趣的博客


        “4月愚人節”或”傻瓜的節日”,雖然不是法定節日,但這個節日非常著名,在許多國家定在4月1日這一天。在這天你可以對朋友、敵人和鄰居們做各種整蠱、玩笑或愚弄,也可以騙他們做傻事,目的就是為了讓別人受騙或尷尬。如果在這個時間之外還騙人,就被稱做是”4月傻瓜”。       http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/27657046.html?fr=qrl


備註–這篇博客可 不是愚人節玩笑!| 宣布两个重要事项:



alivenotdead.com 正在招募实习生!我们在找1名或2名热心人士,愿意在一家刚开始运作、充满激情的网络公司学到有用的工作经验。实习生要具备:

    1)在香港居住     2)说、写英文     3)能说广东话,读、写中文。     4)能干、守时、可靠     5)拥有自己的笔记本电脑,并知道如何使用!     6)愿意工作2个月,每周工作4-6小时

作为实习生,这个职位没有工资。但能获得有用的工作经验、免费Alivenotdead物品,并可免费参加alivenotdead.com 活动。







备注–这篇博客可 不是愚人节玩笑!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares


Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客

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