[ 繁體中文] [ 简体中文] [alive not dead] is about connecting with your favorite artists and learning about new, emerging artists. We've recently launched a new feature that will help you learn WHO your friends' favorite artists are -- maybe they've discovered a hot new talent that you don't already know about! Check out Your friends' favorite artists under your I'm a fan of... page.
"Your friends' favorite artists" -- found in your "I'm a fan of..." page.
This new feature will let you know who's most popular artist amongst your circle of friends. Also, you can check the page out to see what artists you should become a fan of.
Let us know if you find any great new artists in " Your friends' favorite artists" page!
-- Admin Bear just learned that Sung Kang from Finishing the Gameis his friends' most popular artist.
=================================================|[alive not dead]為你和喜愛的藝術家建立聯系,還能找到更多新的藝術家。我們最近發布的新功能告訴你,你的好朋友們最愛的藝術家是誰—他們或許發現了你並不知道的熱辣新才華!到"我是粉絲"頁面下的"好友最愛的藝術家"看看!
--小編熊仔剛剛得知"Finishing the Game"的Sung Kang是它的好友們最愛的藝術家。
[alive not dead]为你和喜爱的艺术家建立联系,还能找到更多新的艺术家。我们最近发布的新功能告诉你,你的好朋友们最爱的艺术家是谁—他们或许发现了你并不知道的热辣新才华!到"我是粉丝"页面下的"好友最爱的艺术家"看看!
--小编熊仔刚刚得知"Finishing the Game"的Sung Kang是它的好友们最爱的艺术家。
Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客