Our big birthday party is less than a week away! May 9th is coming up fast and this time we're doing a band show type party! We're celebrating this 2 year milestone by sharing with you just a few of the local HK artists who have been part of our community over the past year. Please come and celebrate with us!
Admission is only $100 and 100% of it goes to CHARITY. AND you get a special limited edition gift in return for your donation!
CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE EVENT DETAILS! | 離我們盛大的兩周年 party 已經不到一周時間啦! 5月9日近在咫尺,這次我們的 party 將是樂隊展示 party! 來自我們社區的香港本地藝術家激情演出,與我們共同慶祝兩周年的裏程碑。請加入我們,一起慶祝!
入場券只需 $100(港幣),收入將全數捐給慈善組織。你還能得到一款特別限量版禮物作為慈善捐助的回報!
點擊這裏查看活動詳情! | 离我们盛大的两周年 party 已经不到一周时间啦! 5月9日近在咫尺,这次我们的 party 将是乐队展示 party! 来自我们社区的香港本地艺术家激情演出,与我们共同庆祝两周年的里程碑。请加入我们,一起庆祝!
入场券只需 $100(港币),收入将全数捐给慈善组织。你还能得到一款特别限量版礼物作为慈善捐助的回报!
点击这里查看活动详情! | Our big birthday party is less than a week away! May 9th is coming up fast and this time we're doing a band show type party! We're celebrating this 2 year milestone by sharing with you just a few of the local HK artists who have been part of our community over the past year. Please come and celebrate with us!
Admission is only $100 and 100% of it goes to CHARITY. AND you get a special limited edition gift in return for your donation!
Hi, I am Admin Bear and this is the alivenotdead.com company blog. hi,我是小編熊仔,這是 alivenotdead.com 公司的博客