Official Artist
Editor (Film) , Producer , Graphic Designer
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'This Brutal House' Exhibition by Simon Birch

Before 喪男兄弟 when in the exhibition ......

already so crazy outside there !!!!!!!

after got in the room !!

woo ...... start to be uncontrol and want to eat that fish !!

there are Mask's man and Mask's man watching me ......

welcome me this Alien to join their Mask Alien Group !!


Not only this, there also girls and girls total 16s. >>> and also Net King in Mars !!!!!!

Really want to eat them all like that fish !!!!!!!

than 喪男兄弟 start to using camera weapon to kill each Alien >>> pan pan >> poon

boom boom >>> pan >>> ah >> arrrrrrrr !!!!!!! >.<

after 500 rounds shotting ...... 喪男兄弟 all dead

 <<<<< in chinese 4 = 四 = 死 = Die

This is a very very great Exhibition >>> Food + Drink + Painting + DJ Net 巨人 + Girls

  • Maskmen + Alien + Mars + Alui + Yan Yan Chan + Graffitti + Art + Fish = 喪男兄弟

see some more exhibition photoz and painting >>> Mars Chan:


Above Photo by: Alan + Mars + Eugene = 喪男兄弟 + Alui ("圖"出現only)

over 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
Marschan 6b marschan
you forget to bring your mask
over 16 years ago
394744 10151919153965184 1224317883 n
your job seems so cool always get to go here and there
over 16 years ago


吹咩-梁氏娘是-梁二 突襲 alive not dead 你當我什麼,我便是什麼。 我的手也因你哭了&gt;&gt;&gt;因為我愛你但也怕你,因此手心全是汗!! 瘋人日誌,關我乜事。 http://www.vimeo.com/chairmen http://www.youtube.com

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March 6, 2008