I watch this movies before "VCD" >>> 愛情觀自在
I like many 對白 inside this movies,
specially this one 平常一様窗前景,才有梅花便不同。
i give 7/10 stars for this movies
Run Papa Run >>> A very very nice story
many many touch point : from mother view , father view and children view
Touch >> Funny >> Real >> nice shot >> nice music
You should go to watch this movies, i give 8.5/10 stars
Japanese Movies <<< carry from TV programme HERO
Carry on the TV story 7 yrs ago, showing some missing part from that 7 yrs
still funny funny and funny >>>>>> but not many many special
tell that 久利生 公平 really love 雨宮 舞子, kissing and nice ending
If u like JP show, must buy and see la !! VCD DVD on sell !! i give 6.5/10 stars
Not many things want to say !! a bit sad somehow !!
吹咩-梁氏娘是-梁二 突襲 alive not dead 你當我什麼,我便是什麼。 我的手也因你哭了>>>因為我愛你但也怕你,因此手心全是汗!! 瘋人日誌,關我乜事。 http://www.vimeo.com/chairmen http://www.youtube.com