I dont know what i can talk about this event !!
It was really really really "hot"
"Hot" was not just about the model, it was all around the Gallery <<<
Me and Nat King was "getting Roast" in the DJ area !! with no air condition ... woooo
But for this QUIKSILVER titile <<< it really really fit the topic, as we can feel the beach !!
see all the boards above + Tee ... + Hot Hot feeling ...
we all feel like beach boys and girls
Nat and I was saying something missing !! >>> SAND !! with SAND <<< is will be 100% :)
Hope next time will be more cool !! <<< Cool but Hot !! hahahahah !!
Let's see more photos from the link below !!
吹咩-梁氏娘是-梁二 突襲 alive not dead 你當我什麼,我便是什麼。 我的手也因你哭了>>>因為我愛你但也怕你,因此手心全是汗!! 瘋人日誌,關我乜事。 http://www.vimeo.com/chairmen http://www.youtube.com