Go to Andy Warhol Event !! met some freind and try to see anything can improve my AnD ideas <<< AnD <<< Art and Design """ = creatively
到 Andy Warhol Exhibition 尋找更多的創作靈感。
2 - 3 weeks ago just helping Schoeni Art Gallery to take photos for the Banksy Show !!
and this time i am only come a see the Andy Warhol !!
兩三個星期前幫 Schoeni Art Gallery 拍攝 Banksy 的展覽,今天不是工作,只是來看看吧!!
Andy Warhol painting, woo cool ... many many outline which make the simple thing look strong and cool !! and use quite a lot of 閃閃 shiny thing !!
Andy Warhol 的作品大都是用顏料圍邊加上"閃閃"的粉末及強烈的對比色,十分特出作品的主體。
to feel the art rather than working !! the whole feeling are different !!
really more and more fun !!
the fun is, you can be more crazy !! 風味 就是 喪男兄弟 重出江湖 !! 哈哈 !!
喪呀 !! Andy Warhol 我是不會放棄你留給我的 FISH !!
The Top Fish is for Mars !! >>> 最上的魚是留給喪男Mars的 !!
Thx for 喪男兄弟<<< Crazy Brother<<< Eugene help me to take those photos
吹咩-梁氏娘是-梁二 突襲 alive not dead 你當我什麼,我便是什麼。 我的手也因你哭了>>>因為我愛你但也怕你,因此手心全是汗!! 瘋人日誌,關我乜事。 http://www.vimeo.com/chairmen http://www.youtube.com