Wu Feng Ling - my official artist profile -alivenotdead.com
Official Artist
Wu Feng Ling
Music Producer , Musician
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About Wu Feng Ling

Wu Feng Ling is a 4-piece rock band based in Kuala Lumpur. They formed in early 2004 and within a short period of time were gigging regularly. They started their appearance in local pub and cafe scene. One of their regular and favorite music venue is Wow Wow Rock Cafe, KL.

Wu Feng Ling is Hong Eng Kong, more popularly known as Bot, lead vocals and guitars, Sam Chong, vocals and lead guitars, Chuan-Looi, bass and Jerry Soon, drums. They have a very distinct image on stage. Though they dress in t-shirts and jeans but their energetic and emotive music have earned them a respectful reputation in local underground and indie music scene. Wu Feng Ling front-man, Bot is often described as chinese Kurt Cobain.

Their influences include Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Muse, and Peter Pan.

As a band, they were often asked to play covers. They didn't want to be a cover band and were determined to play their own music. In late 2004, they start to write their own compositions and re-do some of their written materials. They even want to produce their own album. It wasn't until November, 2005 that Dennix Yeow offered collaboration and his recording studio facilities at Avenue 1 music studio.

Their initial dream was finally fulfilled. The band worked more intensely and passionately to complete their first debut album. This album, self-produced and self-funded, is still in progress and due to launch in the last quarter of 2007.

Their music and lyrics are best expressed as hopes, dreams, desires and frustrations inside them. Its about showing people that there are things inside that should be exposed or expressed, and having no shame about them. I just write what I feel. I just sing it as natural as I can. But its not necessary everyone will like it., as Bot explains the experiences he had in life and also what he learnt from his time as a band. Its also about believing in something they love doing and fulfilling the things they really want to do.




专辑收录10首原创作品,摇滚与抒情歌曲参半,包括主打歌曲<<等>>,<<风铃>>、<< 无聊人>、<<我相信>>、<<再见朋友>>、<<你还是一个人>>、 <<不能了解>、<<目光>>、<<晴天>>,以及一首由马来乐团Leon吉他手 Warez填词的马来歌曲<<Keliru>>。


* 主办热浪岛 Redang Rock-Go-Go 音乐會 3-5/8/2007
* 98.8 电台访问, 22/7/2007
* Serene 詹雪琳, I’m Not Serene 专辑记者会伴奏乐团, 2007 4 月。
* Rock-Go-Go-Jam, JamAsia KL 活动,3/3/2007
* 2006 年 12 月 31 日,与宇珩一同参与云顶倒数演出。
* Astro AEC 访问,2006 年 11 月。
* Astro AEC 与 Red Box 呈献江美琪音乐会乐团伴奏, 12/11/2006。
* 2006 年 The Mines Shopping Fair 国庆倒数演出。
* 主办 Redang Rock-Go-Go, 音乐营, 11– 12/8/2006
* Berjaya Times Square 成功时代广场演出, 24/6/2006
* The Band Gig Series, 2005 年 8 月至 2006 年 8 月。

《 等 》 是這張专辑的主打歌曲, 也是整張专辑的主要概念 。對於乌风铃,由一開始接觸音樂至今天,最讓他們感覺疲憊的就是漫長的等待。而,要將這種艱辛又期待的感覺完全表達出來真的很複雜。所以寫了這首歌把等待的感覺,以等待一個人的方式將情緒一一述説。“尤其是副歌的部分可以聽到重復又重復的‘誰讓我忘了時辰,誰讓我忘了歲月不留人’的幾句歌詞,為的就是想讓聼者明白,等待其實就是重復又重復的做着一些不知道結果的事” 同時,這張《等》也是乌风铃等待已久的,所以用《等》做為主題真的最適當不過了。



这一次,换作乌风铃发片啦!重情重义的宇珩为好友跨刀,除了献出一双巧手 以钢琴为Bot伴奏《我相信》,更随着Bot化身“无聊人”,无无聊聊吹海风,无无聊聊看电影,一改以往温柔可爱形象,在乌风铃的摇滚世界尽情放肆,自然轻松!


Interesting facts about Wu Feng Ling

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Other
Gender male
English Name Wu Feng Ling
Traditional Chinese Name 烏風鈴
Member Since November 26, 2007
Fans 18
Profile Views 33,638


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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
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Member Since
November 26, 2007