快生日了。今年生日不在香港,所以要提早慶祝。 以前成日覺得 25 歲,應該點點點。 但原來還有很多未知數。唔知今年會點呢? 希望我的願望快達成! 快D帶爸爸媽媽旅行!? Thanks for being with me every step of the way, my friends. You know who you are! ? Thanks for this friendship bracelet and for looking out for me. That's what friends are for!
Miss Chinese Vancouver 2011-2012 First Runner up, Miss Photogenic, Miss Elegant Model. UBC BA holder. 溫哥華華裔小姐競選 2011亞軍、最上鏡小姐及 最優雅模特得獎者。卑詩省大學政治、哲學系畢業生。