I'm in a tub again. This time it's not for #aquabiking but to relax. Take it easy. And get ready for the show later!!! What do you do when you're nervous and want to calm yourself? Share with me! ? . . 平時見到我o係浴缸入面就係做緊運動。今日就唔同啦,放鬆心情,出 show! 你平時緊張的時侯想放鬆會用什麼方法呢?留言話我知,大家一起開心 share 下! . . . .
Miss Chinese Vancouver 2011-2012 First Runner up, Miss Photogenic, Miss Elegant Model. UBC BA holder. 溫哥華華裔小姐競選 2011亞軍、最上鏡小姐及 最優雅模特得獎者。卑詩省大學政治、哲學系畢業生。