Allen Theosky Rowe will join the cast of Chicago P.D. in a Guest Starring Role. Shooting begins in Chicago on March 2. Special thanks to #JennyRavitz and #JonathanStrauss at Jonathan Strauss Casting for this Exquisite Opportunity. I want to thank especially my TEAM! Marco Vieira (@thehollywoodkid) at MVA Management and #JosephLe at ABA Talent Agency for making it happen! Davis Noir (@davisnoir) and Francois D at Awp fIlms for putting it together and ALWAYS backing a brother! SPECIAL thanks to @colleenfoy at @stankirschstudios for your time and awesome skills! I'm truly privileged! And the Thursday Nighters especially @vontruong and @itsjefffrancisco for being each others backbone in this hustle! I'm forever GRATEFUL! Thank you my LORD! #GodisGood #AsianMen #Asiansonfilm #chicagoPD #kpop #Taiwanese #Korean #guyswithtattoos #hustle #workingActor #NBC #HardWork
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