Official Artist
Sarika Choy
MC / Show Host , Model
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? Happy Year of ? Wishing everyone ?? Good Health ?Lots of Wealth ? And most importantly.. ? Stay Happy!! ?Have a Prosperous Year ? ?恭喜發財? ?祝大家 ??身體健康 ?財源廣進 ❣️心想事成 ?最緊要日日開心??

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

??? Love is all around ?

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

To me, being at work is one of the most happy and enjoyable thing to do!! I’m so blessed! ☺️? Thank you “UL Hong Kong” for having me ?

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

MissS ? #體育堂 有好多同學都成日話返工冇時間做運動??‍♀️ 其實有張枱有張凳就得㗎啦!一齊嚟試吓啦☺️??

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Believe in miracles 相信奇蹟?

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

一年一度「棋人年會」+ 尾牙團年飯? Chessman Annual meeting & Reunion Dinner ? We are one big happy family! ?‍?‍?‍?? ?Love you all ! ??

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

2019 Meg Star Charity Night & Reunion Gala dinner ? 2019鉅星慈善之夜暨團年晚宴? 多謝鉅星,多謝 Clara 邀請? 有幸同兩位師兄 Bob & Derek 一齊擔任主持! 仲有女神謝安琪,男神張智霖?張敬軒!內地爆紅唱作歌手高進嘅演出!全晚氣氛熱烈高漲!?? 「Meg - Star My Choice 我選擇鉅星」? 正!?? Dressed up by : 1.618 Couture & Bridal @bob_lamshingbun @ Venetian Macao 澳門威尼斯人

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

“Every single one of us are special, unique, amazing and magnificent, and that includes YOU “❣️ “我們每個人都是特別的,獨特的,驚人的和壯觀的,包括你“❣️

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Miss S #體育堂 今集教大家一啲坐係Office都可以做到嘅伸展、拉筋動作。一齊你試吓啦!

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Some serious gym outfit helps get you motivated ???

over 5 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Member Since
August 12, 2008