Mista Bite
艺术总监, 漫画创作者/漫画家, 插画家
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I've never seen anything like this BEFORE...

..is something I've heard a lot lately. I wish I could say it was about my art, but sadly its about my truck. I picked up my truck last friday. I decided to drive it around locally for a couple days before I hit the road. good thing too because it started to make the same sounds again. Machine guns at 3000 rpm. I had it towed back to the shop. they were closed sunday and opened the engine today

to see what was going on.

Vedict, the worst of bad. "I've rebuilt 200 engines in my day and I've never seen anything like this before" was the words that came out of my mechanics mouth. The machine shop that worked on the heads didn't blow them out before sending them back and left shavings which when re attached to the rest of the engine mixes in with the oil and spreads and destroys everything it touches. Every mechanic I know said that that  the machine shop is responsibile so I'm not mad at my mechanic. HE has to deal with the machine shop and is still responsible for my engine so I feel for him.

But mostly I feel for me right now cuz that means , even though no more money out of pocket

to get a new rebuilt engine, it still takes time. Best case scenario another week. worst case 2 more maybe more. all depends how long it takes to find a good rebuilt engine. once they get it

it only takes 2 days to put it in.

But I have more work scheduled for November and its totally gonna conflict with my time out in the desert. I think I might have to staple my eyes open and attach a special hat that lubricates my eyes as well as feeds coffee to me through my ears..I do like hats and my friend Adrian makes coffee.

On the bright side  my lady and I didn't have to spend our birthdays apart.

The way I look at it as long as I have gas money to get out there I'm going. I'll work out the details when I'm there, but I'm going.

People say ditch the truck and buy a used one, I say fuck that. I'm not buying someone elses problem. I know I'm going through shit right now but at the end of it all that engine will be rebuilt

and killer. And I'll have it for another 10 years then it worth it. So I can't leave without fixing this thing.

theres has been  a lot of things keeping me from my destination. even doubtful negativity in my own tribe.

But I have a lady that totally supports me and I have a strong will.

Nothing worth it is easy.

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Los Angeles, United States
September 11, 2008