New Years at Tai-Zhong!
Alan Kuo and I performed at 2 shows in Tai Zhong.
we had our hair done at around 4pm and went straight on the road... because the ride is freakin long we got hella junk food to munch on in the van. i believe the ride was almost 3 hours long! Take my advice... if you see a toilet on the way..USE IT! you won't regret it.
I was so excited that I got to spend New Years day with Alan, Ren and Onimas!
our first show was at Jian Yi Da Xue with Blackie hosting the event~ Alan went on before me and rocked it
i took a pic with the audience on stage
the show was awesome, everyone was raising the roof! I had a blast~ friends were telling me they saw the show on TV and it was quite obvious I was having a lot of fun. all i gotta say is...its FREAKIN FREEZING! but i'm so thankful i had on a jacket this year for the New Years concerts. the past couple of years i NEVER had on long sleeves! i was always in a freakin' tank top! the mic i have in my hands are cold as ice! as if you're holding on to a popsicle singing!
so after the first show we went and grabbed dinner along the way, munched on more junk food on the car and got to our next destination at Qing Shui Xiu Xi Zhan.
Alan and I were on stage for the final countdown.
i wanted to see the fireworks clearer so i put on my glasses
Alan was so mesmerized by the fireworks... as if he's never seen it before. LOL~!!
after the fireworks it was my turn to rock the show. I thought about taking off my glasses, but then I was like "eh, what the hell, lets try something new for a change!"
at some point i saw someone holding a dog in the corner of my eye, so i brought the dog on stage to sing with me.
it was a fun night~ LONGGGG but FUNNNN~
on the way back to Taipei we bought some drinks to get buzzed on the van. All of us had something touching to say to each other. I'm just really grateful to have these homies next to me, supporting me. I love them all!
2010 here we come.
showin' love,
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-"Don't watch me ya better watch yaself." -"I don't eat anything with a mouth..."