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理工大學音樂會社年次公演2009 – “MMIX” POLYMUSO Annual Performance 2009 – MMIX

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kDRvNnFWkxE 香港理工大學音樂會社呈獻

第33屆香港理工大學音樂會社年次公演2009 – “MMIX”



“Thee Out Mods”樂隊因隊員私人理由未能出席當日表演,現邀得另一隊日本Screamo樂隊 “2side1BRAIN” 出席是次公演。樂隊”Audiotraffic”因臨時原因未能出席演出, 樂迷可於 www.alivenotdead.com/audiotraffic 留意”Audiotraffic”最新消息

日期:2009年5月30日 (星期六)

時間:下午5:00 – 下午11:00pm

地點:協青社 蒲吧 – 香港西灣河聖十字徑2號1樓

嘉賓︰Hardpack,Partyolk, Shepherds The Weak,Tonick,戳麻,PolyMuso

特別嘉賓︰肆伍〔北京Hardcore, Nu Thrash班霸〕,2side1BRAIN〔日本Screamo樂隊〕,Mr.



Guest :

肆伍 http://www.douban.com/artist/fourfive/ 2side1BRAIN http://www.myspace.com/2side1brain Mr. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/damrblog Hardpack http://www.myspace.com/hardpack Partyolk http://www.myspace.com/partyolk Shepherds The Weak http://www.myspace.com/shepherdstheweak Tonick http://www.myspace.com/mrtonick 戳麻 http://www.myspace.com/chockma


Poly-U Bandroom: 2766 5830 (Room VA113)

澤麟: 6536 3315

Summer: 9834 5542

e-mail: polymuso33rd@hotmail.com

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32nd "Polymuso Annual Performance 2008 無樂不作" 官方照片Official photos


31st "Polymuso Annual Performance 2007 作樂多端" 官方照片Official photos


The 33rd POLYMUSO Annual Performance 2009 – MMIX

Official announcement of the 33rd POLYMUSO︰

There is an amendment to the guest list of POLYMUSO Annual Performance 2009 MMIX. “Thee Out Mods” will be absent from the show due to personal reason. Another Screamo band “2side1BRAIN” from Japan has been invited to perform in show.

Audiotraffic will not be able to perform in show due to personal reason. Fans of Audiotraffic can read their updated news on the following website: www.alivenotdead.com/audiotraffic

“MMIX” is Roman numerals, means “2009”.

As same as the past, POLYMUSO annual performance continues to ROCK out in the year 2009! This year our annual GIG aims to present and to record the music and the moment of 2009!

“MMIX” has invited numbers of HOT local Bands to our show, and we are more excited to present the two famous Bands from Asia: the Hardcore, Nu-Thrash band “Four Five” from Beijing and the Screamo band “2side1BRAIN” from Japan!

See you in POLYMUSO Annual Performance 2009 MMIX!

Date︰30th May, 2009 (Saturday)


Venue︰Hang Out, Youth Outreach - 1/F, 2 Holy Cross Path, Sai Wan Ho,HK

Guests︰Hardpack,Partyolk,Shepherds The Weak,Tonick,Chockma,PolyMuso

Special guests︰Four Five〔Hardcore, Nu-Thrash band from Beijing〕,2side1BRAIN〔Screamo band from Japan〕,Mr.

Ticket price︰$60〔Advance〕、$80〔Walk-in〕

Ticket selling date and place︰Available from 2nd May in Tom Lee〔Music Store in Tsim Sha Tsui、Wan Chai、Sha Tin and Kowloon Bay TelFord〕

Guest :

Fourfive http://www.douban.com/artist/fourfive/ 2side1BRAIN http://www.myspace.com/2side1brain Mr. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/damrblog Hardpack http://www.myspace.com/hardpack Partyolk http://www.myspace.com/partyolk Shepherds The Weak http://www.myspace.com/shepherdstheweak Tonick http://www.myspace.com/mrtonick Chockma http://www.myspace.com/chockma

More Information

Poly-U Bandroom: 2766 5830 (Room VA113)

Allen: 6536 3315

Summer: 9834 5542

e-mail: polymuso33rd@hotmail.com





32nd “POLYMUSO Annual Performance 2008” Official photos


31st “POLYMUSO Annual Performance 2007” Official photos


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