Just another birthday, just another year, nothing I need to bother myself with. I've always told myself that and have never really put much importance on my birthday. This year has proven itself to be something else that was just unexpected. A multiple of 12, it is also my year, the tiger. Among that it is the first I will ever spend outside of Vancouver, Canada. So just the type of people surrounding me and Beijing has enriched the experience so much more.I did not plan anything but the night before I started getting invitations and offers to go to dinner. Turns out several groups were planning different parties but to simplify it all we just ended up going to Fatburger. Here's a word montage of the rest of the night.People.Milkshakes and fries.More people.Delicious burgers.Boobie cake.More burgers.Free burgers.Then we went to some other places.Drinks.Dancing.More drinks.People leaving.Drinks.We were leaving.Side quest for food failed.We went to more places.Drinks.One more.Friend with sandals < Friend with shoes for club.Find shoes.Swap.Even more drinks.3 drunk guys and one completely sober but tired, dehydrated birthday boy.Everything in excess.But not overdone.Good night.
My Website: www.osricchau.com IMDB credits: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1859543/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Osric-Chau/176288692615?v=info