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Miriam Smith
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A couple weeks ago we discovered a small kitten hanging around our building. She was  in need of medical attention and i found myself really worrying about her well-being. So like always, i googled.  I came across various vets and animal hospitals, but one place that really caught my eye. Animals Taiwan, a shelter here in Taipei. I called and spoke to a girl who really offered all the help she could. She found me a vet close by and advice on catching her. A couple mornings after on the way out, we found her lying on the street in even worse shape, and it became obvious to me she needed help right away. We took her to a place in Shi-zhi city, a charity animal hospital offering free medical help to strays.  The Vet said she would need to stay for some tests and treatments. Unfortunately, the next morning she passed away. I guess she was just too weak. (sad, i know)  But the positive thing about this story was the discovery of Animal Taiwan.  This shelter is housing many dogs and cats who were found by AT's rescue team. They hold a no-kill policy so the animals are offered a temp home for as long as it takes to find them a nice family.   After looking through the website, i decided i wanted to be a part of it and decided to join their volunteer Team. A great group of people who donate their time to help out however it is needed.  My first visit was Tuesday afternoon. I will admit at first glance it was a little overwhelming to see all the dogs that are actually there. I walked 2 of them across the street in a nice park by the water and also visited with the cats.  My first walk was with Elvis, the true Veteran of the shelter. He is an Older dog, with 3 legs ( he was caught in a trap)  He's a lovely gentle dog who happens to be a favorite of everyone.   The second was Nanook, also with 3 legs. He was abandoned by a previous owner and after getting his leg badly infected, it had to be amputated.  But i can say it hasnt affected him much, because he had me stopping to catch my breath.  I will definitely be spending a lot of my time there now, and i hope some of you can too. These animals are so loving, sweet and adorable that i would adopt them all if i could.  It's really sad to hear stories of people who abandoned them randomly throughout the country, or people who intenionally hurt them because they are no longer wanted.   Yes, at first glance some may seem shy or a little withdrawn, but thats only because of what has happened to them before. So all they need is a little time to gain some trust before they come out of their shell and show you how great they are.

 If you are considering making an addition to your family,  I urge you all to seriously consider visiting AT or any shelter near you before buying an animal from a pet shop. You'll leave feeling great about yourself, and even better you'll have a freind for life!

Check out the website www.animalstaiwan.org   They have all info you need, and profiles on the animals living there.


almost 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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english, french, portuguese
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Taipei, Taiwan
Member Since
July 23, 2008