Official Artist
Marco Chan
Art Director , Hair Stylist
126,218 views| 79  Posts

Session Collection "the Campaign"

Creative Direction & Mood Concept by @marcochan_pro

Marco has one crystal-clear vision: education is the passport to the future. One learns and one improves. He bel @marcochan_pro

**Session Collection "the Campaign" Creative Direction & Mood Concept by @marcochan_pro

Marco has one crystal-clear vision: education is the passport to the future. One learns and one improves. He believes the way to raise the standard of Asian hair industry is to broaden local hairdressers’ horizons, expose them to more international trends, skills and work with “best in class” professional teams. This education process is long and full of challenges, but Marco is determined to share his expertise and knowledge in training the next generation to be on international standards


這個變化性豐富的”Session Collection”靈感來自最新的天橋時尚,為不同品味與風格的女性打造屬於她們的造型。Marco以其專業熟練的技巧, 把歐洲髮型的特性重新注入亞洲, 卻不失時尚藝術氣息, 配合獨到的Session造型技巧, 令髮型更具玩味, 充份展現出強烈的視覺形像效果, 來表達對流行元素的衝擊, 燃點起 “國際級魔髮師” 的想像力。 www.facebook.com/session.marcochan.pro

mood video on: www.facebook.com/marcochan.hair

sessioncollection#hair#makeup #photo#nail#model#privatei #privateisalon#spring#summer #hairstyle#hairstorystudio#fashion #catwalk#trend#style#editorial #sessionhairstylistjournal #salon#colour#kevinmurphy #todayshairinspiration #MustFollow #marcochan_pro**




























almost 11 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Live For The Moment!! website: http://www.marcochan.pro follow me on weibo: http://weibo.com/marcochansession read more on pro.chats: http://prochats.she.com

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
May 3, 2008