Official Artist
MADEinHK 香港製造
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Modern Swordman

You ever imagin that being a swordman, but dont know how to handle a real sword. Feeling kind of childish to practice with a toy.... light, weak, fragile?!?! Well here comes a solution....

A well design practice tools, with the same feeling, weight and balance as a real sword and purely MADE IN HONG KONG wow ho...... .....welly researched and designed to fit all kind of sword from different centuries & countries.........very clever stuff.....

Being used in many DoJo all wide world......want to know more? check out the interview [ CLICK ME ] .....but for your information, this is not a toy, so you still need to handle with care

over 16 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Photo 48897
over 16 years ago
Photo 23009
I am their member long long time ago, that's really fun!
over 16 years ago


師能授其方圓, 但不能授其心妙!

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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
November 22, 2007