MADEinHK 香港製造
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Come Join Us......

Its been a while since I last went to the nature side of Hong Kong, so I decided to take a break and in the mean time chill out a little as I am feeling kind of lost these few days. First, we (me, Herbert & Herbert's Cousin) went for a mix grill lunch, which I forgot to took pictures.....

Then we went for a bowling game.....its time for me to turn in to Super Bowler.....but a weak one of cause haha.....its been more than 6 years since my last game.....

Challenged by two loser.........

of cause.......i kick their ass clean and clear....hohoho....check out my move....

But seriously....I lied......my ass got kicked by them ....Then we moved to the sea side of Sai Kung....the weather was so nice & sunny.....enjoyed the little walk.....

And we end up having tea at a sea side bar which very very nice and chilling really.....hohoho

Check out my Tiramisu & Ice ChoCho.....

I highly recommand you to take a trip down there, to experence a whole different side of Hong Kong.......

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  33 评论s  0 shares
Photo 39462
gorgeous where is it? x
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 33405
Very nice, where in Sai Kung is this? I'm not too familiar, I've only been there twice for hiking and just followed my friends around. Is the bowling alley there too? How do you get there?
接近 17 年 ago


師能授其方圓, 但不能授其心妙!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 22, 2007