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Bible Fight - Online Flash Game

Just a moment ago, I was screening throught all the articles we'v been done for MADEinHK,  I happen to cought an article about online flash game. Well yes, I use to love online flash game, especially when I'm sitting in the office doing nothing or while I'm brain storming & willing to chill out.....the games really did give me a break, better than kit-kat anyway. Of cause, the situration is different now, so I'v give it up for quite sometime but anyway.

The article was about a game called Bible Fight. Its a fighting game like street fighters and king of fighters, but the charaters inside the game are all related to bible, for example like Jesus, Satan, St. Mary....etc...Pretty interesting, and for more, the wall paper of the game are very nice and the background are very nice too. So, if you are feeling bored sitting infront of the PC right now, you may well could try it out~!    [CLICK ME]

大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
Photo 48897
大约 17 年 ago


師能授其方圓, 但不能授其心妙!


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
November 22, 2007