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Anyone who want to be FIT~!?!?!?

Hey People....sorry for not updating recently, but its ok now, I am Back hohoho

Well, I think many of you are interested in keeping fit for sure. There are many different kinds of theorys, exercise and rumors as you all may know. Recently, we interviewed a guy who is a fitness trainer and fighting coach, a cool guy he is!!. If anyone of you are interested in this topic, please go to check it out [CLICK ME]

But for all you sweet people here, I will let you know a little secert, which is called Tabata Theory. It is a theory of Aerobic Exercise, which designed by a Japanese professor called Tabata. It got a experimental prove behind all of this, many worldclass sportmens &  athletes are using this training theory as well. It is not just a good way to develop  your physique, it is also a very possitive way to keep fit, the theory go like this. It same as other kind of Aerobic Exercise but more efficient, less time it took before you could see any results. After a standard warm up, you use all your explosive power to push yourself to run for 20 sec. It make your heart rate to go to very high pumping sequence, and it means it will burn out the fat and in the same time develop your muscles (high pumping rate = fat burn is a basic concept of Aerobic Exercise), and then followed by 1 Min of slower and softer motion running, just to keep your heart rate in sustain speed.


Every 1 min & 20 sec will  count as a set, repeat it 5-6 times, depend on your body condition. Do this exercise twice a week but not everyday and dont push it, keep doing this for about two month and then you have to stop for a while before you start trainning again. Sounds easy and unbeleveable but really works.

So people ...... lets roll

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  13 comments  0 shares
Photo 33405
I hate running. Period. But yet everytime I go to the gym, I end up running (er, for me it's more of "jogging") on the treadmill cuz that's what gets my heartbeat racing the most. Hmm, maybe I should try this some time. I probably can't do more than 2-3 sets though, haha. Do you notice that a lot of women in Hong Kong don't know how to exercise properly? I've seen quite a few women at the gym here do things that made me shake my head in disbelief.... One lady was walking leisurely on the treadmill while holding both hands on the treadmill bar in front of her the entire time. I tried it for a few seconds, and all you're doing is lifting and moving your legs but not moving a single muscle in your upper body. It makes the workout SO much easier, but doesn't that defeat the whole purpose of a "workout" if you're CHEATING?! I saw another lady move between 4-5 different weight/workout stations after only doing a single set of 10, while doing her lifts as quickly as possible. Apparently, she's never heard of the concept of doing repetitions and lifting weights slowly with your breathing. Maybe there should be a local tv program that teaches local people the basics of stretching and working out properly before they end up hurting themselves doing it wrong. =P
almost 17 years ago
Photo 48897
this guy's little genius!!
almost 17 years ago


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