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Blog: Friday, Jun 27

when im having a hard time in my relationship, thinking it's so hard n painful to love this one man i love, i tried to search from the internet to look for some references about love: what is love?

i found these 'love quotations' from about.com, let's look at those:

Sophocles said: "One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: That word is love."  Sophocles, according to wikipedia, was the second of the three ancient Greek tragedians whose work has survived to the present day.  hmmm... tragedians...

John Tarrant says "Attention is the most basic form of love; through it we bless and are blessed.", he's a psychotherapist and director of Zen training.Nikki Giovanni says "We love because it's the only true adventure.", she's a Grammy-nominated American poet, activist and author. Giovanni is currently a Distinguished Professor of English at Virginia Tech. hmmm... activist... i like the sound of it..

ok.. gotta go first.. more to come. 

to be continued...

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares
Photo 36943
Hmm... Just to chime in too... The kind of love that hurts is the kind where you give but do not receive proportionately in return. But then one can ask, Do we love so that we can love others (i.e. to GIVE)? Or so that we can receive the love back? If its so that we can receive, I think that is why it hurts so much when we do not get it. The best love is the kind that we give when we want nothing in return. :)
接近 16 年 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
Yeah .. I agree with Elliott. Unconditional Love is "true" love, in my opinion. Like when you see a baby and want to hold it and give it love, but don't expect anything in return. Or when you do something nice but anonymously for someone just because you want them to be happier. That's true love. When love is given with the expectation of reciprocation it becomes problematic. Unfortunately, when you combine love with romance, you often mistake one for the other. Romantic love is giving love in the hopes of getting something back. If you keep giving it and the other person doesn't acknowledge it or reciprocate, then you start to feel taken advantage of or that you are wasting your time. But if it was truly unconditional, then that wouldn't be the case. The trick is to find someone you are romantically attracted to that feels the same about unconditionaly giving love to you as you do to them. When you focus on what you get back, then you lose. When you focus on what you are both getting in the relationship then you lose. But if you both focus on the other person's happiness over your own, then you both win.
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
May 2, 2008