Official Artist
Kongkrete Bass
DJ , Music Producer
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KONGKRETEBASS SUPPORTS: Heavy Presents: Mark 7 (Aus) & DJ Jamline (HK) – Sat, 23.10.2010 @ Rakuen

Kongkretebass Supports: Heavy Presents: Mark 7 (Aus) & DJ Jamline (HK) Sat, 23.10.2010  @ Rakuen Facebook Event// http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=163204453692478 Line Up// DJ Wash (KongkreteBass / HK) Blood Dunza (Heavy / HK) vs N1d (Heavy HK/Healthy Macao) With Rebearth MC (Innavisual Collective/HK) Visuals: Vj Ocular (Heavy HK) Entry// 11:30pm – 5:00am $120 with 1drink Venue// Rakuen 4/F, [...]

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


HELLO! We like Drum & Bass and Dubstep music. We organise parties, we DJ, we write our own music and we run KONGKAST - Asia's largest podcast for these g

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
June 20, 2008