Official Artist
wai kit Law
Singer , Sound Engineer
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LONG LONG LONG time no see!!!!

Hi y'all!!! Really really Long Time no blog in AnD...'cause since the day I graduate form HKDI, I was Damn busy for my own career...I joined my friends studio which is call cheeZe Music...need to pick things up and take care everything~It's a good start and experience for my future~here is the link : www.cheeze-music.com3 months ago, I started recording for my Band S5R a.k.a. SURVIVOR.After 3 months recording, mixing and mastering, Our newest Demo: New version "I know you're here (in the dark)" finally release!!!We will feel glad if you leave your comment to let us know what do you think/feel of our song or what we need to improve.Here we go!!!
I Know you're here (in the Dark) Finalized  by  K.Lo Thank you for your attention and have a nice dream~K.LoS5R

about 15 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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welcome back!
about 15 years ago


我只是一個有感覺, 有感情, 有情緒, 會嫉妒, 會生氣, 會笑, 會發瘋, 會失控的人... 就是這麼簡單... 我只是一個愛胡思亂想, 愛唱歌的人~~xDDDD (這會更簡單吧~~xDDDDD) I was the Vocalist of Survivor, Crazimals and K'

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
June 9, 2007