I finished my Final Project~
Hell yeah!!!
it's a little bit board... for you~xDD
But its really a breakthrough for me~
I never wrote this style before...
It's fun for me la~
My job is Compose a song of any style for one of the following lyrics.
On the piano
By Garfield Jones
Expressions run deep,
Running from life to life;
Wanton, reckless, we reap
What we sow in spite.
Spit it without thought,
Chew it, Wreck it, Twist it, Shred it, Ruin it,
Sing it without soul;
But, my dear...
Can you play it on the piano?
We mate without love,
We love throughout our hate,
We talk of dreams,
Of some distant state;
Live it, Hold it, Console it, Regret it,
destroy and consume it;
But my love...
Can you play it on the piano?
We rejoice in grief,
Take pleasure in pain,
And curse the crooked thief,
We now mock with disdain;
Look to free it, Dream it, Conceal it, Experience and know it;
But through all that,
Will you ever know,
How to play it on the piano?
我只是一個有感覺, 有感情, 有情緒, 會嫉妒, 會生氣, 會笑, 會發瘋, 會失控的人... 就是這麼簡單... 我只是一個愛胡思亂想, 愛唱歌的人~~xDDDD (這會更簡單吧~~xDDDDD) I was the Vocalist of Survivor, Crazimals and K'