Back from Hokkaido...
Tired ne...
still cleaning up my luggages...
brought somethings for my dear Band members and my girlfriend~
I'll post some pics on this Blog~
something bad happened...
Just unlucky...
No Big Deal~
need to get everything back on track la...
Work hard!!!
我只是一個有感覺, 有感情, 有情緒, 會嫉妒, 會生氣, 會笑, 會發瘋, 會失控的人... 就是這麼簡單... 我只是一個愛胡思亂想, 愛唱歌的人~~xDDDD (這會更簡單吧~~xDDDDD) I was the Vocalist of Survivor, Crazimals and K'