Official Artist
Justin Lim
Music Producer , Musician , Singer
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Happy Valentine's Day my babies

WASSUP my online buddies.. happy vday!

So it was Scott's bday today and it SUCKED SO BAD... SUCKED... SO BORING...

No it was awesome... anyway he told me about the guessing game he's playing about what I got him for his bday..and whoever get's it right gets to order me to do something on my webcam, which in fact I just got a few days ago and it's awesome! Love the face tracking stuff on it.. but yea i dunno what's going on with that.. but I am prepared to service the winner (non sexually).

Anyway.. finally got a hold of all the pics I wanted to share with you! Need to filter out all the nude and x rated ones so give me just a bit more time to share it okay?

Also, thanks for all the virtual valentines on my guestbook.. Here is a big sloppy wet kiss and lick for you!

This entry is pretty raunchy I just noticed.. anyway.. big headline coming up next... WAIT FOR IT

over 15 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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January 18, 2009