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JuJu Chan 陳鈺芸
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New MV Screening and Press Launch Event

My recent radio plug friendship song 《那些年的我們》's MV screening and launch press event is coming up tomorrow, 9/6 (Thursday).This song is composed by myself, arrangement by a talented musician James Wong, and Written by 881 DJ Josh Ngnai. This song is not only celebrating friendship, it also reminds us our history at school with our old friends. I am very thankful to have all my friends supporting me in the making of this MV, as this is my self directed MV and I have invited over 20 good friends to spare their time out of their busy schedule to take part in the shooting. The MV will be launched tomorrow after the press event. Hope you'll all like it :)Here's the details of the press event:誠邀採訪  JuJu 陳鈺芸 《那些年的我們》MV 首播傳媒發佈會多才多藝的創作歌手 陳鈺芸(JuJu )以友誼為主題的派台歌 《那些年的我們》,  為了炮製友誼之作 ,不但自己親自作曲, 更為歌曲MV 自編、自導、走遍港九新界找 了二十多位好朋友一起拍攝MV。 這個精心製作,眾人參與的MV 將於本星期四(9/6) 首播!現誠邀 貴台/報/刊記者及攝影師出席,有關採訪活動詳情如下:日期:   9月6日 (星期四)傳媒採訪: 2:00pm 時間:2:15pm-3pm地點:Fill In The Blank, 灣仔, 皇后大道東231-233號, 恆威商業大廈13字樓出席名人嘉賓:  創作歌手JuJu 陳鈺芸 , 

                         人氣歌手Venus 張苡澂,                          香港小姐 寇鴻萍,                           偶像歌手 譚晴, 

                         beatboxer R.X 黃浩邦,

                         創作歌手Bonald 梁俊軒(前SKY 成員),                           青年福音歌手  張淑衡活動流程:2pm 傳媒接待2:15pm MC 與 JuJu Chit-chat2:25pm 播放 MV2:30pm 嘉賓問答遊戲2:45pm 藝人及嘉賓大合照2:50pm 活動結束

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JuJu Chan (陳鈺芸) Actress, Action Star, Pop Singer, Author, Hong Kong Taekwondo (ITF) Representative, Signature: double nunchucks

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Hong Kong
Member Since
November 2, 2008