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沒有我母親及劉媽媽,便沒有《河上變村》的誕生,是日母親節,特別想跟大家分享昨晚獲FilmAid Asia 頒發給我的人道主義獎的獲奬感言: Around 40 years ago, there was a young woman from Kowloon married to a village man in the New Territories. That little village is called Ho Chung, a village of over 400 years of history in Hong Kong. At that time there was a big cultural difference between the city and the rural area. As an outsider, the young woman underwent struggles living with her husband 's family. After some hard times, she raised 4 healthy children, and I am lucky to be one of them. Thank you Mom for nurturing me as a village girl, letting me grow up with the mountains and rivers, and be loved by all these good people sharing a close relationship in the village. The love for my homeland encourages me to be a film maker. Filmmaking for me is all about people and history. When individuality and traditional customs are vanishing under the progress of development, it is important for me to record and share the native villagers' stories with everyone. I would love to share this award with all my villagers in Hong Kong and overseas, especially the Lau family. Thank you for sharing with us all your wonderful stories. Hong Kong is not just a city known for its Si-fi movies, here is also a good place shooting village films. We have such beautiful natural sceneries and resources in Hong Kong. We should treasure our nature. Thank you FilmAid Asia for giving me this award. I would also like to thank the Hong Kong Arts Center, 24 images, Teresa my producer , thank you Mary and all my crew members. Thank you so much, without all your support , the movie cannot be released.

filmaidasia #humanitarianaward #poweroffilm

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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
March 31, 2010